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Clare, Ireland

St. Brigid's Well

A sacred well steeped in Pagan roots on the West Coast of Ireland.
Dublin, Ireland

Marsh's Library

The oldest public library in Ireland.
Galway, Ireland

Fiddaun Castle

A remarkably intact castle that once was the largest in Ireland.
Dublin, Ireland

Oddities of Christ Church Cathedral

The mummified heart of a saint lives on in this church—after a brief hiatus when it was stolen.
Dublin, Ireland


Experience what life was like in Ireland during the Viking and medieval ages.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Kyteler's Inn

The oldest inn in Kilkenny was established by the first convicted witch in Ireland.
Galway, Ireland

Abandoned Menlo Castle

A moody and picturesque riverside ruin overgrown with vegetation.

The Lost Town of Newtown Jerpoint (Jerpoint Park)

Local legend says the remains of Father Christmas lie within the medieval grounds.
Athlone, Ireland

Sean's Bar

The oldest pub in Ireland may also be the oldest surviving bar in the entire world.
Rosscarbery, Ireland

Drombeg Stone Circle

One of the most popular megalithic sites in Ireland stands as a humbler version of Stonehenge.
Dowth, Ireland


The ancient tomb acts as a calendar that keeps perfect time.
Galway, Ireland

Conger Bread

After a traumatic encounter with a six-foot eel, one Galway baker started making a daily loaf of sourdough in its shape.
Galway City, Ireland

Fishery Watchtower Museum

Originally built to monitor fishing, this Victorian tower now educates visitors about the local salmon industry.
Midleton, Ireland

Punishment Book at Jameson Distillery

The whiskey producer's archives includes a historical list of infractions committed by and associated penalties exacted upon employees.
Dublin, Ireland

Ancient Bog Butter

The block of aged dairy is probably still edible after 2,300 years in a peat bog.
Glendalough, Ireland

Writers' Room at The Wicklow Heather

A restaurant with an extensive Irish whiskey bar also has several first editions of famous works by Irish authors.
Galway, Ireland

Áras na nGael

At this cozy bar tucked down a hidden Galway backroad, Guinness makes the Gaelic come out.
Dublin, Ireland

John Kavanagh ('The Gravediggers')

This pub built its reputation pouring post-shift pints for employees of the cemetery with which it shares a wall.
Cork, Ireland

The Butter Museum

This Irish museum in a historic 19th century market pays tribute to the glory of butter.
Galway, Ireland

Brigit's Celtic Garden

The world of the ancient Celtic civilization explained through a bewitching 11 acre garden.
Sligo, Ireland

The Glen

A tiny microvalley etched into the side of Knocknarea Mountain hides another world.
Skibbereen, Ireland

Irish Sky Garden

This floating garden in the sky is straight out of a fairy tale, but the real thing is nothing short of magical.
Wicklow, Ireland

Victor's Way Indian Sculpture Park

An eccentric garden of sculptures crafted in India decorate an Irish green space dedicated to Alan Turing.
Kilkenny, Ireland

Dunmore Cave

This Irish show cave is said to have been the site of a Viking massacre that claimed 1,000 lives.