tcanada80's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rock, West Virginia

Lake Shawnee Amusement Park

This abandoned amusement park was built on a site with a dark history.
Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Frick's Lock

A modern ghost town whose inhabitants were driven away by the growth of nuclear power.
Liwale, Tanzania

Selous Game Preserve

The largest game reserve in Africa is home to thousands of species but refuses to house humans.
Malindi, Kenya

Gedi Ruins

Abandoned city hidden from the world by tropical forest and isolation on the coast of Kenya.
Rokers Point Settlement, Bahamas

Underwater Plane Wreck Near Staniel Cay

One of the most accessible undersea plane wrecks in the world.
New York, New York

The Evolution Store

A terrific purveyor of natural history objects and curios.
Bloomington, Indiana

The Garret

Ornate limestone building now filled with geologic specimens, and more.
Austin, Texas

Uncommon Objects

One part antique store, one part curiosities hodge-podge.
London, England

The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History

This shop and gallery is a modern-day cabinet of curiosities, unassumingly positioned along an urban thoroughfare.
Genoa, Colorado

The Wonder Tower

See six states, pickled freaks, rocks, and antiques.
San Francisco, California

The Pirate Supply Store at 826 Valencia

An essential stop before plundering, BYO Cutlass.
Atlanta, Georgia

Junkman's Daughter

This massive store is home to an eccentric collection of vintage, retro, and peculiar goods.
Portland, Oregon


Delightful disarray of found objects and clutter.
Placerville, California

Gothic Rose Antiques & Curiosities

Eclectic collection of dark and macabre antiques.
Evanston, Illinois

Dave's Down to Earth Rock Shop

Shop of curiosities with a dinosaur museum tucked in its basement.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Trundle Manor: House of Oddities

House of vintage taxidermy and Steampunk sculptures in a quiet Pittsburgh neighborhood.
Weston, West Virginia

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum

A particularly creepy abandoned hospital that sparks interest for lovers of the supernatural.
Denbigh, Wales

Denbigh Insane Asylum

The decaying ruins of Wales' first asylum for the mentally ill.
Whittingham, England

Whittingham Hospital

This hospital once pioneered the use of electroencephalograms, but fell into maltreatment, abuse, and eventual abandonment.
Bronx, New York

Hart Island

The loneliest island in New York.
Roscoe, New York

Craig-E-Clair Castle

An abandoned castle owned and ignored by Masons carries a cursed history.
Detroit, Michigan

Michigan Central Station

A Beaux-Arts triumph rises from decades of decay to become the heart of a new innovation district
Detroit, Michigan

Grand Army of the Republic Building

Detroit’s downtown castle is one of the oldest structures in the city.
Detroit, Michigan

Abandoned Abundant Life Christian Center

An ornate Detroit church, left empty and ravaged by time.