valenrhyme's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Royal, Nebraska

Ashfall Fossil Beds

When an ancient supervolcano erupted, some of Nebraska's prehistoric animals were forever preserved in ash.
Ogallala, Nebraska

Petrified Wood Gallery

A fascinating collection of art made from petrified wood and fossils by two octogenarian twin brothers.
Lincoln, Nebraska

Nebraska State Capitol Mosaic Floor

An ornate Art Deco tile mosaic representing Nebraskan life, both modern and prehistoric.
Hastings, Nebraska

The Hastings Museum Kool-Aid Exhibit

The home for all things Kool-Aid offers everything except a chance to actually enjoy the drink.
Alliance, Nebraska


An experimental, automotive replica of Stonehenge.
Loveland, Colorado

Loveland’s Sweetheart Couple

A tribute to Loveland’s most famous sweethearts, who helped spread cupid’s message to millions.
Burlington, Colorado

Kit Carson County Carousel

One of few remaining antique carousels with stationary animals in the U.S.
Bellvue, Colorado

B-17 Bomber Crash Site

The wreckage of a World War II bomber is hidden high in the Colorado wilderness.
Nederland, Colorado

Carousel of Happiness

Inspired by a music box, a small town Vietnam vet carved an entire carousel full of animals by hand.
Antonito, Colorado

Indiana Jones Home

The childhood home of Henry Jones Jr. is now an adventure-themed bed and breakfast.
Fort Collins, Colorado

Swetsville Zoo

This "zoo" is a cross between a junkyard and a sculpture garden, featuring animals you won't see anywhere else.
Denver, Colorado

Fifty-Two 80's

This modern antique shop is a museum for 1980's Saturday morning cartoon culture.
Terre Haute, Indiana

Stiffy Green

Whether his story is true or not, Stiffy Green is the most beloved bulldog in all of Indiana.
Guilford Township, Indiana

Who North America

One of the largest collections of merchandise from the famous British sci-fi show can be found smack in the middle of Indiana.
Bloomington, Indiana

Brain Sculpture

The world's largest anatomically accurate brain sculpture.
New Harmony, Indiana

The Roofless Church

This open air cathedral invites all faiths to worship under the only roof big enough to fit them all: the sky.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Museum of Psychphonics

A modern-day wunderkammer dedicated to Indianapolis history, Afrofuturism, and musical vibrations.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indianapolis Moon Tree

A 30-year-old Sycamore tree grown from a seed taken to the moon and back.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Indiana Medical History Museum

A medical facility that has been kept frozen in time.
Bloomington, Indiana

Empire Quarry

A stunning, abandoned limestone quarry in southern Indiana provided the stone to erect the Empire State Building.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Market Street Catacombs

A hidden network of subterranean passageways lies tangled beneath Indianapolis' bustling City Market.
Makanda, Illinois

Monument to Boomer the Hero Dog

This odd stone memorial remembers a loyal dog who offended the rail barons with his speed and saved his master with his pee.
Anna, Illinois

King Neptune Memorial

This simple gravestone remembers a pig who single-hoofedly raised $19,000,000 for the Navy.
Brookfield, Illinois

Brookfield Zoo's Sinclair Dinosaur

It was originally part of a "terrible lizards" collection at the 1964 New York World’s Fair.