vivacion's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stoney Middleton, England

St. Martin's Church

This 15th-century church was once described as the ugliest in England.
Royal Tunbridge Wells, England

Opera House, Royal Tunbridge Wells

A grand Wetherspoon pub set in a former opera house dating back to 1902.
Great Yarmouth, England

Tyrolean Tubtwist

This freewheeling amusement ride is the last of its kind.
Manchester, England

Dalton's Entry

An obscure walkway dedicated to a scientist who helped pave the way for the world to sit up and take notice of Manchester.
Lyndhurst, England

Stagbury Hills

One of the largest hills in New Forest.
Aldershot, England

Redan Hill Fortifications

In the mid-1800s, the British military used this hilltop fort to train soldiers.
Sandwich, England

No Name Street

Almost too short to be an actual street, this stretch of road maintains a unique moniker.
Sunderland, England

Pann's Bank Mural

A tribute to the city's rich history of shipbuilding.
Upper Froyle, England

The Village of Saints

Many of the cottages and houses of this tiny village are adorned with a local lord's collection of saintly statues.
London, England

Nimrud Lens

Despite the name, this ancient piece of crystal may not have been a lens at all.
Salisbury, England

Old Sarum Castle

This modest relic, with rich history as a strategic fort through multiple eras.
Winchester, England

Curle’s Passage Riddle

Four hundred years ago, this turned-about message was carved into one of Winchester Cathedral's exterior walls.
Bearpark, England

Beaurepaire Priory Ruins

A once-beautiful retreat is now a crumbling ruin.
Warrington, England

Golden Gates

This very ornate Victorian gateway seems completely out of place in the modern industrial city of Warrington.
London, England

The Hitchcock Gallery

Several colorful mosaic panels depict the life and creative genius of the Master of Suspense.
Charlwood, England

Lowfield Heath Windmill

A group of committed locals restored this centuries-old windmill to its original condition.
London, England

Tomb of Mary Wollstonecraft

Visit the grave of a famous feminist author and the mother of Mary Shelley.
Portsmouth, England

The Micronations of Baffins Pond

Three tiny islands in a Portsmouth pond are at the center of disputed land claims from a number of competing micronations.
Mucklestone, England

Mucklestone Church Anvil

Sitting among the tombstones and trees, this anvil tells a story of crowns, conflicts, and craftsmanship.
London, England

Baltic Exchange Memorial Glass

These stained-glass windows are all that remains of a building that was the target of one of the biggest explosions in London after World War II.
Kendal, England

Castle Howe

This original castle in Kendal is 1,000 years old.
Durham, England

Marquess of Londonderry Statue

A monument with a strange legend involving a horse's tongue.
Surrey, England

Reigate Heath Windmill

The world's first consecrated windmill.
Barrow-in-Furness, England

Dock Museum

A modern museum built within a Victorian dry dock charts the history of the industrial town.