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Vienna, Austria

Museum of Contraception and Abortion

This museum promotes informed contraception by documenting its often secret past.
Vienna, Austria

Wiener Pestsäule (Vienna Plague Column)

Baroque celebration of the end of the Great Plague of Vienna.
Vienna, Austria

Globe Museum

Handsomely crafted representations of our round planet.
Vienna, Austria

Museum of Art Fakes

This Austrian museum celebrates the work of famous forgers and their inimitable imitations.
Vienna, Austria

The Lost Garden of Schloss Schonbrunn

The topiary maze at the Habsburg hunting lodge.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Rummu, Estonia

Rummu Underwater Prison

The ruins of an Estonian prison are drowning in the quarry lake where the convicts were once forced to work.
Zermatt, Switzerland

Mountaineers' Cemetery

This Swiss cemetery is reserved for people who died in climbing accidents.
Zurich, Switzerland

Urania Observatory

Switzerland's oldest public observatory is an important part of the Zurich cityscape.
Sissach, Switzerland

The Henkermuseum

Extensive private collection of authentic Medieval devices used for human torture and execution.
Saint-Maurice, Switzerland

Abbey St. Maurice d'Agaune

Abbey built on the ruins of Roman catacombs.
Interlaken, Switzerland

Jungfrau Park

A Swiss amusement park entirely dedicated to the theory of ancient astronauts.
Zurich, Switzerland

Villa Patumbah

This eclectic architectural gem played witness to Zurich’s colonial past.
Gränichen, Switzerland

Hexenmuseum Schweiz

The excellent Swiss museum of witchcraft is led by a modern witch.
Erlach, Switzerland

St. Peter’s Island

The idyllic island where the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau spent “the happiest time of his life.”
Schwyz, Switzerland

Stoosbahn Funicular

The steepest classic funicular in the world glides along a dizzying incline.
Lucerne, Switzerland

Lion of Lucerne

This memorial commemorating fallen Swiss Guards of the French Revolution has been called the saddest stone in the world.
Apt, France

Chapelle de la Santonne

One man's desire to transcend art led to the construction of this outsider chapel.
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Cape Forchu Lighthouse

The first "applecore" style lighthouse in Nova Scotia.
Sydney, Nova Scotia

World's Largest Fiddle

On the waterfront of Sydney, Nova Scotia, a 60-ft. fiddle greets incoming ships.
Western Shore, Nova Scotia

Oak Island Money Pit

Hunt for buried treasure in Nova Scotia.
Halifax, Nova Scotia

McNab's Island

This Canadian island is a veritable garden of decay with countless abandoned structures dotting the landscape.
Maitland, Nova Scotia

Burntcoat Head Park

The highest tides in the world come in and out here twice a day, allowing you to essentially walk along the ocean floor.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Penis Fountain

Amsterdam's Red Light District leaves little to the imagination.