janbroderick's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Alnwick, England
Places visited in Longyearbyen, Norway
Places visited in Villa de Leyva, Colombia
Places visited in Namibia
Places visited in Cairo, Egypt
Places visited in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Places visited in Hamedan, Iran
Places visited in Northumberland, England
Places visited in Khujand, Tajikistan
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Aswan, Egypt

Unfinished Obelisk

The largest known Ancient Egyptian obelisk.
Cairo, Egypt

Al-Andalus Garden

A preserved oasis with traditional Andalusian-style architecture and beautiful views of the Nile.
Cairo, Egypt

Cairo's City of the Dead

In Egypt's expanding metro area, many of the neighbors are dead.
Cairo, Egypt

Monastery of Saint Simon

The massive cave church of Cairo's Zabbaleen community is one of the largest Christian churches in the Middle East.
Luxor, Egypt

Colossi of Memnon

These Egyptian statues have survived for 3,400 years and were an acoustic wonder of the ancient world.
Luxor, Egypt

The Tomb of Nefertari

Known as the Sistine Chapel of Egypt, this tomb houses some of the most well-preserved paintings in Egypt.
Nubia, Egypt

The Temple of Abu Simbel

Ozymandias’ time-keeping temple.
Cairo, Egypt


An ancient instrument used to measure the waters of the Nile so Egyptian farmers would know whether to expect famine or flood.
Câmara de Lobos, Portugal

Cabo Girão Skywalk

This glass skywalk offers vertiginous views down the volcanic cliffs to the beach below.
Funchal, Portugal

Principality of Pontinha

A micronation on an islet along the coast of a Portuguese island.
Funchal, Portugal

Madeira Botanical Garden

A lush oasis full of vibrant plants and striking geometric displays.
Monte, Portugal

Toboggan Ride from Monte to Funchal

Men in rubber-soled boots serve as your "brakes" on this toboggan ride Hemingway described as "exhilarating."
Lucca, Italy

Torre Guinigi (Guinigi Tower)

Fortified medieval tower house with lovely roof garden.
Venice, Italy

Squero di San Trovaso

Where Venice's gondolas go for a tune-up.
Rome, Italy

Elephant and Obelisk

A detailed pachyderm supports Rome's smallest Egyptian obelisk.
Pompeii, Italy

Villa dei Misteri

This amazingly well-preserved villa just outside Pompeii boasts rare examples of ancient Roman paintings.
Naples, Italy

Via dei Presepi

Every day is like Christmas on this street where the traditional Neapolitan nativity scene comes to life.
Ravenna, Italy

Dante's Tomb

Italian poet Dante Alighieri is entombed in this small mausoleum in Ravenna, and his hometown of Florence has never been too happy about it.
Pompeii, Italy

Stone Phalluses of Pompeii

The walls and streets of the ancient city are peppered with penises.
Venice, Italy

Palazzo Dario

Those who own or stay at this 500-year-old, allegedly cursed house often meet terrible fates.
Venice, Italy

Isola di San Michele

Venice's island of the dead.
Pompeii, Italy

The Brothels of Pompeii

Erotic art covers the walls of the largest ancient pleasure palace.
Pompeii, Italy

Thermopolia of Pompeii

Ancient snack bar of the Roman Empire re-opened.
Belpasso, Italy

Mount Etna

The world's most active stratovolcano is almost always erupting.