CoolCrab's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Netherlands
Places added to Germany
Places edited in Sweden
Places visited in Uppsala, Sweden
Places added to Nevada
Places edited in Kyoto, Japan
Places visited in Cape Town, South Africa
Places added to Denmark
Places edited in Germany
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Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam Historic Harbor

Old ships and machinery fill a historic harbor in the city that's home to Europe's largest port.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Hat of Lou Bandy

From afar it looks like someone's hat blew into the water, but closer inspection reveals a giant floating sculpture.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Het Badkonijn

A giant floating rubber duck-bunny painted with a different design every year.
Stockholm, Sweden

The Cuckold of Skeppsbron

A man has revenged his true love's betrayal through tears and stone genitalia.
Uppsala, Sweden

Pelle Svanslös Crosswalk

Uppsala's adorable feline sign celebrates a popular children's book set in the Swedish city.
Uppsala, Sweden

Uppland Runic Inscription 489

A rare rune stone dedicated to a woman.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholms Spelmuseum

It's always game time at Stockholm's only museum devoted solely to video games.
Uppsala, Sweden

Saint Erik's Spring

Legend has it this spring formed at the spot where a medieval Swedish king was killed.
Uppsala, Sweden

Runestone in Gamla Uppsala Church

This mysterious runestone embedded in a church wall is linked to the medieval cult of Saint Erik.
Uppsala, Sweden

'Thing of all Swedes' Mound

The official meeting point for the oddly named governing assembly of ancient Sweden.
Uppsala, Sweden

Anders Celsius's Thermometer

The first thermometer made with the almost-universal temperature scale is backwards.
Uppsala, Sweden

Rune Staff Collection

The second-largest collection of runic calendar staffs in Sweden.
Uppsala, Sweden

Urdar's Well and Yggdrasil

Legend says this fabled well held part of a mythical Norse tree.
Uppsala, Sweden

Universitetshuset Runestone Circle

A large collection of ancient runestones decorates this university courtyard.
Uppsala, Sweden

Royal Mounds of Gamla Uppsala

Ancient burial grounds of the wealthy.
Uppsala, Sweden

Gustavianum Museum

The second oldest anatomical theater is housed in a museum of curiosities.
Stockholm, Sweden

'In Between'

What looks like a birch tree smushed between two pieces of glass often confounds commuters.
Stockholm, Sweden

Newton's Apple

This giant subway sculpture celebrates the fruit that inspired the theory of gravity.
Stockholm, Sweden

Percys Trappa

A wooden street sign is the last remnant of this 400-year-old alleyway.
Stockholm, Sweden

Tyska Kyrkan Weather Vane

This centuries-old rooster survived a devastating fire.
Rovaniemi, Finland

Rovaniemi's Arctic Circle Border

If you visit Santa's village, you can get your passport stamped to show you crossed into the Arctic Circle.
Leiden, Netherlands

Burcht van Leiden

This 11th-century castle sits so low you can't see it behind the surrounding buildings.
Leiden, Netherlands

Museum Depot

Unknown to many, this is where items not displayed in a Dutch history of science museum are held.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vikingaliv Runestone

Outside a Viking museum sits a modern-day runestone made by a Swedish runemaster using traditional methods.