chris021499's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tamri, Morocco

The Tree Goats of Morocco

Morocco's Argania trees are infested with nut-hungry goats.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The New Orleans Treehouse

Site of a former hidden treehouse in New Orleans.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Nicolas Cage's Pyramid Tomb

In 2010, Nicolas Cage purchased two plots in this cemetery using one to construct this strange pyramid mausoleum.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Séance Room at Muriel's Jackson Square

The restaurant keeps a hidden séance room on the second floor and reserves a table for the spirit of the former owner each night.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Gates of Guinee

According to one local tradition, the entrance to the Voodoo underworld can be found in New Orleans through seven gates scattered throughout the city's French Quarter.
Sosúa, Dominican Republic

Castillo Mundo King

An eccentric German artist built this weird and wondrous castle packed with shocking sculptures and alien art.
La Vega, Dominican Republic

El Carnaval de la Vega

Largest pre-Lent festival in the Dominican Republic.
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso National Botanical Garden

A remarkable range of flora and fauna are represented in this Dominican nature preserve.
Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic

Los Tres Ojos

This trio of Dominican cave lakes comprise a colorful biosphere of natural life.
La Caña, Dominican Republic

Cueva de las Maravillas (Cave of Wonders)

Hundreds of pieces of ancient Taíno art cover the walls of this Caribbean cave system.
Little Cayman, Cayman Islands

Bloody Bay Coral Wall

A glowing underwater cliff attracts marine life and divers in equal measure.

Project HARP Space Gun

A giant gun barrel in Barbados that once hoped to shoot outer space with science.

Harrison's Cave

This popular tourist cave was ignored for almost 200 years before being mined into an attraction.
Oistins, Barbados

The Chase Vault

A Barbados crypt where it's said that the coffins refuse to stay put.
Conneltown, Barbados

The Animal Flower Cave

Under the desolate and windswept northern coast of Barbados stands a small oasis filled with sea anemones.
North Bimini Island, Bahamas

Bimini Road

An underwater road considered a possible Atlantis location.
Nassau, Bahamas

Primeval Forest National Park

Impressive sink holes fill this untouched old-growth forest in the Bahamas.

The Cow and the Bull

These two giant boulders mysteriously perched on a 60-foot cliff may have been slung up there by a raging tsunami.
Alice Town, Bahamas

Dolphin House Museum

One man's love of sea life and art has turned his home into a temple of outsider island art.
Nassau, Bahamas

Queen's Staircase

This staircase in a lush tropical grotto was built by enslaved laborers and renamed to honor Queen Victoria's role in ending slavery in the British Empire.
Nassau, Bahamas

Ocean Atlas

The world’s largest underwater sculpture is found just off the coast of Nassau.

Glass Window Bridge

This isthmus in the Bahamas narrowly separates the roiling Atlantic from the cool Bight of Eleuthera.
Big Major Cay, Bahamas

Pig Beach

In paradise, feral pigs have claimed an island all to themselves.

Dean's Blue Hole

One of the deepest blue holes in the world.