k93wheels's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Albuquerque, New Mexico

Bow & Arrow Brewing Co.

Owned by Native American women, this brewery is a celebration of indigenous culture in the American Southwest.
Provincetown, Massachusetts

Toys of Eros

This stimulating sex toy museum is sure to arouse the interest of its visitors.
Marble Canyon, Arizona

Navajo Bridge

When it was built in 1929, this historic bridge was the only place to cross the Colorado River for 600 miles.
London, England

The Ruins of St. Dunstan-in-the-East

One of the few remaining casualties of the London Blitz, this destroyed church has become an enchanting public garden.
Atlanta, Georgia

Alpaca Treehouse

This wondrous hideaway is suspended in a bamboo forest above a sanctuary for rescued llamas and alpacas.
San Jose, California

The Winchester Mystery House

A peculiar mansion built by the troubled heir to the Winchester Rifle Company fortune.
Pray, Montana

Chico Hot Springs Giant Chicken

The formidable fowl can be found standing near an isolated hiking path.
Nashville, Tennessee

Hermitage Hotel Men's Bathroom

This award-winning men's bathroom was just too beautiful to not allow women to see.
Collettsville, North Carolina

The House of Mugs

A cabin completely covered in coffee mugs, where visitors are welcome to leave one of their own—if they can find an empty nail.
Newport Beach, California


Fourteen curious and controversial white bunnies sit in a circle near Newport Beach City Hall.
Liverpool, England

Eleanor Rigby's Grave

What do we know about the real woman behind one of the Beatles' most famous songs?
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Aviator’s Arrow

This beacon for pre-radar pilots once guided Charles Lindbergh to a safe touchdown in Tulsa.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Cain’s Ballroom

Sid Vicious famously punched a hole in the wall of this iconic music venue.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Woody Guthrie Center

A museum packed with instruments, lyrics, and other mementos of the American folk icon.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Cave House of Tulsa

A former chicken restaurant that doubled as a speakeasy is now a quirky home full of wonderfully strange traditions.
Tulsa, Oklahoma

The Center of the Universe

An acoustic anomaly with a mysterious cause.
Washington, D.C.

Lincoln Memorial Undercroft

A cavernous three-story, 43,800-square-foot basement that was forgotten about for 60 years.
Bangor, Maine

Stephen King's Former House

The eccentric mansion of one of the most popular horror authors of modern times.
Lake George, New York

Caldwell-Lake George Library

Of all the unique artifacts inside this library, a mummified hand stands out among the others.
Grand Canyon Village, Arizona

Tusayan Ruin

This Native American settlement dates back to the Pueblo II period.
Lviv, Ukraine

The Most Expensive Galician Restaurant

Get past the gatekeeper's apartment and enter an elaborate hoax of a restaurant with a Masonic feel.
Oxon Hill, Maryland

The Awakening

The 72-foot giant escaped confinement in a large patch of mulch only to be reburied in the sandy shores of the Potomac River.
New York, New York

Tom's Restaurant

The "Seinfeld" diner.
Perth and Kinross, Scotland

Tomnadashan Mine

Monty Python fans will recognize this abandoned mine as the Cave of the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.