kristathackston's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Amsterdam, Netherlands

Electric Ladyland: The Museum of Fluorescent Art

The world's only museum devoted to the wonders of fluorescence.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


A giant yellow phallus sculpture hidden in the gardens of the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


The Netherlands' first car tunnel has an unusually rectangular shape.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Rotterdam Historic Harbor

Old ships and machinery fill a historic harbor in the city that's home to Europe's largest port.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Delftse Poort

A modern reimagining of a medieval city gate.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Tovertunnel (Magic Tunnel)

This colorfully-painted tunnel links two distinct parts of a historic neighborhood.
Rotterdam, Netherlands


A dramatic art installation features a BMW flying out of a building in Rotterdam.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Trompenburg Arboretum

A true Valhalla for cactus and succulent lovers.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Utrecht, Netherlands

The UFO of Inktpot

Atop this former dutch railway office sits an interstellar work of art.
Utrecht, Netherlands

Sonnenborgh Observatory

A historic observatory now an astronomy museum beautifully situated at the moat of the Middle Age city centre.
Utrecht, Netherlands

Museum Speelklok

This Netherlands museum holds a gloriously mechanical collection of ornate musical automata.
Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt Wishing Wells

Carved fountains poignantly placed in parks and in front of special monuments.
Abensberg, Germany

Kuchlbauer Tower

A whimsical art tower at a Bavarian brewery includes a grotto for its mythical beer-brewing dwarves.
Passau, Germany

Broken Glass Villa

Shimmering sea-colored mosaics and Jesus statues cover this opulent building.
Trassenheide, Germany

Upside-Down House of Trassenheide

The first (but not only) upside-down house in Germany.
Dresden, Germany

Pillnitz Camellia

An engineering wonder at Pillnitz Castle protects a precious 230-year-old flowering shrub.
Zweibrücken, Germany

Zweibrücken R2-D2

A university observatory dome painted to resemble the beloved 'Star Wars' droid.
Kalkar, Germany

Wunderland Kalkar

An amusement park on the grounds of an unused nuclear power plant, with a swing ride inside the cooling tower.
Heidelberg, Germany

Heidelberger Bergbahnen

This historic funicular system combines the old with the new while offering delightful views over the surrounding valley.
Darmstadt, Germany

The Vortex Garden

Crop circles inspired this whimsical garden in Germany.
Lübeck, Germany

Astronomical Clock at St. Mary's Church

A stunning two-story timepiece within a medieval Brick Gothic church.
Rangsdorf, Germany

Abandoned Airfield Rangsdorf

The ruined remains of the airport Claus von Stauffenberg departed in his failed attempt to kill Adolf Hitler.
Cologne, Germany

Cologne's Love Locks Bridge

Thousands of tourists and residents in Cologne affix "love padlocks" on the Hohenzollernbrücke Bridge to symbolize their affections.