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Jardín, Colombia

Cave of Splendor

Enchanting cave with a river crashing through the roof.
Vista Hermosa, Colombia

Caño Cristales

An explosion of natural color known as "the river that ran away from paradise."
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Yerbas Buenas Petroglyphs

At this beautifully preserved Pre-Hispanic site, you can see ancient petroglyphs with depictions of llamas and alpacas.
Villaseca, Chile

Entre Cordillera Restobar Solar

At this desert restaurant, meals are cooked in solar ovens.
Viña del Mar, Chile

Reloj de Flores (Flower Clock)

Built for the 1962 World Cup, this fully functioning botanical clock is still ticking.
Mejillones, Chile

Punta Guaque 01

This hidden pre-Columbian rock art depicts a whale hunt.
Hualqui, Chile

'Independent Republic' of Hualqui

Despite being of the most short-lived republics in history, this small Chilean town won’t forget its two days of independence.
Arica, Chile

World's Largest Coca-Cola Logo

70,000 empty bottles of Coke comprise an ad seen only from the air.
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Meteorite Museum (Museo del Meteorito)

A massive display of meteorites all found in the Atacama Desert.
Santiago, Chile

Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino (Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art)

This museum covers 10,000 years of Pre-Columbian Latin American history.
Concepción, Chile

Plaza Jurásica

Full-scale dinosaurs dominate the forested park in the middle of Chile’s second city.
Natales, Chile

Glacier Republic

An unrecognized micronation declared by Greenpeace to protect the glaciers of Chile.
Punta Arenas, Chile

Port Famine

The geographical center of Chile is a port so depressing that it has driven men to suicide.
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)

One of the world's most advanced radio observatories sprawls across the Atacama Desert.
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Pukará de Quitor

The ruins of a pre-Columbian fortress city so secure it held off the Spanish conquistadors for over 20 years.
Chonchi, Chile

Dock of Souls (Muelle de las Almas)

A wooden dock art installation on Chiloé Island taps into the island's indigenous mythology.
Santiago, Chile

National Astronomical Observatory of Chile

This observatory high on a hilltop in the center of Santiago got its start in 1852.
Valdivia, Chile

Foucault Pendulum of Valdivia

A 63-foot-tall swinging ball hypnotizes passersby, and proves to any remaining doubters that the Earth is spinning.
Rapa Nui, Chile

The Navel of the World

This large round boulder is said to emit spiritual power, but it may just be magnets.
Rapa Nui, Chile

Ana Kai Tangata (Cannibal Cave)

The ominously named cave is home to some remarkable ancient art.
Campamento Geotermico Corfo, Chile

El Tatio Geysers

The largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere is a spectacular sight.
Huara, Chile

Atacama Giant

One of the largest ancient geoglyphs in the world is a tall desert god used for predicting the weather.
Sewell, Chile

Sewell Ghost Town

The “City of Stairs” sits high in the Andes, above the world’s largest underground copper mine.
Antofagasta Province, Chile

The VLT - Very Large Telescope

In the most arid desert on the planet, the world's leading telescope allows astronomers to see more than has ever been seen before.