greatgazoo19's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Yokohama, Japan

Tin Toy Museum Kitahara Collection

More tin toys than you can shake a clapping monkey at.
Tokamachi, Japan

Echigo-Matsunoyama Museum of Natural Science

Modern Japanese museum is buried by snow annually.
Kyoto, Japan

Honke Owariya

One of Kyoto's oldest food establishments has supplied soba noodles to temple priests and the Imperial Palace.
Uozu-shi, Japan

Buried Forest Museum

Roots and stumps that lay inundated for two millennia are on display in Japan's city of three mysteries.
Tokyo, Japan

Museum of Package Culture

Discover the past, present, and future of packaging in this unique Japanese museum.
Nagasaki, Japan

Fukusai-ji Temple

The giant figure on the back of this turtle-shaped temple actually hides a memorial pendulum.
Yokohama, Japan

Hara Model Railway Museum

The largest collection of model trains in the world is actually run using full-size locomotive technology.
Tokyo, Japan

Obake Kaidan

A flight of this "ghost staircase" has 40 steps on the way up, but only 39 steps on the way down.
Takaoka, Japan

Takaoka Daibutsu: The Great Buddha of Takaoka

This giant bronze Buddha, the third largest in Japan, is the last in an ill-fated series of statues.
Shingo, Japan

Tomb of Jesus Christ

A small Japanese village claims to be the final resting place of the son of God (and God's other son's ear).
Nara, Japan

Buddha's Nostril

Devoted Buddhists can earn enlightenment in the next life by crawling through this symbolic nostril.
Kawasaki, Japan

The Puchicalator

The world's shortest escalator doesn't seem to have any reason to exist other than to hold a world record.
Ushiku, Japan

Ushiku Daibutsu: The Great Buddha of Ushiku

The third-tallest statue in the world depicts the "Buddha of Infinite Light," complete with observation deck in his chest.
Tokyo, Japan

Tokyu Plaza Rooftop Ferris Wheel

The small candy-colored ride is the last rooftop Ferris wheel in Tokyo.
Inuyama-shi, Japan

Little World Museum of Man

An anthropological theme park that depicts the cultures of around 20 different countries.
Kobe, Japan

Tetsujin 28 Robot Statue

A 59-ft. robot statue looks over the citizens of earthquake-ravaged Kobe.
Mutsu, Japan

Mount Osore

This mountain's identity is stuck somewhere between a nightmare and a scenic tourist attraction.
Onomichi, Japan

Ribbon Chapel

This high-design church is made up of two dizzying spirals meant to evoke the weaving together of marriage.
Sakaiminato, Japan

Rollercoaster Bridge (Eshima Ohashi)

This bridge is so steep it looks like a rollercoaster.
Nagoro, Japan

Nagoro Village

As the aging humans of this Japanese village die off one local artisan is replacing them with eerie homonculi.
Hiraizumi, Japan

Takkoku no Iwaya Bishamondo

Founded over a thousand years ago, this shrine is said to be built on the site of a warlord's harem prison.
Yamagata, Japan

Yamadera Temple Complex

The Buddhist temples of Yamadera, built into a mountain side, feature a viewing deck with sweeping views.
Motobu, Japan

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

One of the world's largest tanks mimics the experience of watching rare whale sharks, giant rays, and deep sea creatures from the ocean floor.
Tokyo, Japan

Koukokuji Buddhist Temple

Inside the columbarium, thousands of colorful, high-tech Buddhas guard the ashes of the dead.