jesreaver's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Moab, Utah

Potash Evaporation Ponds

Few things look more out of place than the electric blue ponds in the reddish-brown desert of Utah.
Monticello, Utah

Home of Truth

This ghost town was once a cult-like religious utopian settlement.
Teec Nos Pos, Utah

Four Corners Monument

The marker offers a rare chance to be in four U.S. states at once, though there's some controversy over its geographic accuracy.
Bluff, Utah

17 Room Ruin

A well-preserved Ancestral Puebloan ruin tucked beneath a desert cliff.
Wendover, Utah

Sun Tunnels

A sculpture for the sun and stars, created by Nancy Holt.
Kanab, Utah

The Wahweap Hoodoos

Giant pinnacles in the sun-scorched lands of Southern Utah have been nicknamed "white ghosts."
Delta, Utah

Trilobite Quarry

Dig for your own trilobites in this goldmine of invertebrates.
Vernal, Utah

Fantasy Canyon

Sandstone rock formations that look like they belong on the cover of a progressive rock album.
Green River, Utah

Goblin Valley State Park

Bizarre lunar-like landscape with thousands of large stone "hoodoos."
Kane, Utah

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

This rugged area of red rocks and arches is often considered one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
Bryce, Utah

Bryce Canyon

Giant, natural amphitheaters made of delicate geological formations called "hoodoos."
Boise, Idaho

Freak Alley Gallery

The largest outdoor art gallery in the Northwest United States.
San Francisco, California


San Francisco's newly reopened hands-on science museum.
San Francisco, California

Garden of Fragrance

Olfactory delights in San Francisco's Botanical Gardens.
San Francisco, California

Mescaline Grove

A favorite haunt of dinosaur loving children and hallucinogen loving hippies alike.
London, England

Davenports Magic Shop

The world's oldest family-run magic shop is hidden beneath a bustling London thoroughfare.
London, England

221b Baker Street

The popularity of Sherlock Holmes led to the creation of his fictional address, turning the orderly London street numbers askew.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
London, England

Highgate Cemetery

London's creepiest cemetery was once the site of dueling magicians and mobs of stake-carrying vampire hunters.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Wild West Morningside

An American ghost town hides along a side street in Scotland's capital.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Beltane Fire Festival

Summer in Scotland begins with a spectacularly wild and colorful event rooted in ancient pagan traditions.
Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Puck's Glen

This ethereal, rainforest-like gorge is home to waterfalls, quaint bridges, and fairy folk.
Paisley, Scotland

Paisley Witches Memorial

The strange behavior of a tween led to allegations of witchcraft and a curse being placed on anybody within earshot.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witchery

Near the former site of numerous witch burnings, this lavish Edinburgh mainstay pays homage to Scotland's brutal history.