jessielynnsmith's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Kansas City, Missouri

The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures

The world's largest collection of fine-scale miniatures and one the nation's largest collections of antique toys.
Kansas City, Missouri

Laugh-O-Gram Studio

This Kansas City studio was home to Walt Disney's first animation business.
Liberty, Missouri

Odd Fellows Home

The ruins of a 19th century shelter run by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kessler Park Reservoir

An abandoned concrete jungle surrounded by a lush park.
Kansas City, Missouri

Bird's Botanicals

A cave 150 feet beneath Kansas City is the perfect climate for growing 10,000 delicate orchids.
Wamego, Kansas

Oz Museum

A wonderful collection of all things Oz is nestled in the heart of Kansas.
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Workhouse

This abandoned prison castle has become an imposing gallery of graffiti art.
Kansas City, Missouri


The "World's Largest Underground Business Complex," a 55,000,000-square-foot city underneath Missouri.
Independence, Missouri

Vaile Mansion

A remarkably opulent mansion with a tragic history.
Independence, Missouri

Independence Temple

This otherworldly church spire reaches up toward the heavens.
Independence, Missouri

The Bingham-Waggoner Estate

This mansion was made famous by its colorful cast of owners and location along the Sante Fe Trail.
Independence, Missouri

Leila's Hair Museum

A museum celebrating the Victorian obsession with hair art.
Eureka, California

The Carson Mansion

Commonly referred to as the most photographed Victorian home in the United States.
Los Angeles, California

Chandelier Tree

Dozens of lights dangle from the branches of what may be the brightest tree in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California

Rustic Canyon's Murphy Ranch

World War II-era Nazi compound nestled in the Santa Monica hills.
Los Angeles, California

Nike Missile Control Site LA-96

A Cold War site complete with rusty structures, hiking trails, and beautiful views.
Los Angeles, California

The Houdini Estate

A master of deception, Harry Houdini's greatest trick may have been living in two places at once.
Los Angeles, California

Stone Gates of Hollywood

These two monoliths have stood at the entrance to the neighborhood since the days it was called "Hollywoodland."
Los Angeles, California

Camera Collection at the American Society of Cinematographers

Inside this clubhouse is a cinephile's paradise.
Los Angeles, California

Ballerina Clown

A three-story, three-dimensional hobo clown in a tutu welcomes CVS shoppers.
Los Angeles, California

Riverside Roundabout

An L.A. traffic island where the faces of locals have been carved into massive granite eggs.
Los Angeles, California

Angelus Temple

Church and home-museum of a 1920s female revivalist preacher with a very sordid past.
Los Angeles, California

Egasse-Braasch House

The house where Good Will Hunting was written is a surreal fairytale abode.
Los Angeles, California

Box Canyon

The quiet canyon has a tumultuous history involving a doomsday cult.