joycemcclung's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Los Angeles, California

Marilyn Monroe's Crypt

Her final resting place was intended to be modest and private, but the power of her popularity continues to draw visitors.
North Bend, Washington

Lester Ghost Town

A short hike into the mountainside forest reveals a decaying 1890s town.
Rougemont, North Carolina

Castle Mont Rouge

A sculptor's dream castle turned fantastical ruin.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Elfreth's Alley

This charming colonial alleyway is one of the oldest continuously used residential streets in the U.S.
White Post, Virginia


Outsider art meets paleontology at this roadside reptile repository.
Beech Mountain, North Carolina

Land of Oz Theme Park

A former Oz-themed attraction that has fallen into disrepair, but still holds some of the original magic.
Winslow, Arizona

Apache Death Cave

A stealthy Apache hideaway that became the haunting site of a mass grave.
Gainesville, Florida

The Devil's Millhopper

This Florida sinkhole hides a rainforest-like micro-environment in its depths.
Las Vegas, New Mexico

Dwan Light Sanctuary

A futuristic temple of light uses prisms and rainbows to create an atmosphere of peace.
Lakewood, Colorado

Casa Bonita

At this Denver landmark, the meals are compulsory, the sopapillas are complimentary, and the insanity is everywhere.
San Jose, California

Monopoly in the Park

The largest permanent Monopoly board makes one of the longest games even bigger.
Monticello, Utah

Hole n" the Rock

A house carved into a rock in the 1940s.
Bryson City, North Carolina

The Road to Nowhere

This road in the Great Smoky Mountains was supposed to assuage a displaced community, but ended up a $52 million dead end.
Napa, California

Monticello Dam Morning Glory Spillway

The largest drain hole in the world.
Vernal, Utah

Fantasy Canyon

Sandstone rock formations that look like they belong on the cover of a progressive rock album.
New Orleans, Louisiana

The Cats of Jackson Square

By day this New Orleans square is for pedestrians, but by night it is a kingdom of kittens.
Big Pine, California

Methuselah Tree

Once thought to be the oldest living tree in the world, Methuselah was germinated before the Egyptian pyramids were built.
Richmond, Virginia

Edgar Allan Poe Museum

This museum devoted to the gothic author holds such interesting ephemera as his socks and walking stick.
Mount Baldy, California

Bridge to Nowhere

Abandoned bridge hidden deep in the San Gabriel Mountains.
Key Largo, Florida

Underwater Hotel in Key Largo

Stay in a room with a view... of the bottom of the ocean.
Green River, Utah

Goblin Valley State Park

Bizarre lunar-like landscape with thousands of large stone "hoodoos."
Alamosa, Colorado

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

When ecosystems collide in the arid Southwest.
Bedford, Indiana

Bluespring Caverns

The longest navigable underground river in the United States is home to countless blind and albino animals.
Key West, Florida

Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum

The former home of the Nobel Prize-winning American writer is now home to dozens of six-toed cats.