Kertate's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Jakar, Bhutan

Jambay Lhakhang

According to legend, this temple was built to pin down the body of a demoness who lay across the Himalayas.
Pokhara, Nepal

Annapurna Natural History Museum Butterfly Collection

Feast your eyes upon hundreds of Nepal's native butterflies and moths.
Ballyedmonduff, Ireland

Ballyedmonduff Wedge Tomb

This Bronze Age tomb is the centerpiece of a clearing within a beautiful Irish forest.
Krakow, Poland

St. Mary's Basilica

St. Mary's features one of the most spectacularly decorated cathedral interiors in all of Europe.
Kobe, Japan

Maya Hotel

An abandoned Art Deco hotel nestled on the side of a wooded mountain.

Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten

A stupa built to protect Bhutan from evil forces and help bring peace to the world.
Maitland, Nova Scotia

Burntcoat Head Park

The highest tides in the world come in and out here twice a day, allowing you to essentially walk along the ocean floor.
Hokkaidō, Japan

Blue Pond

This mesmerizingly colorful pond looks like a scene straight out of a fairytale.
Thasos, Greece

Aliki Ancient Marble Quarry

The partially submerged ruins of a white marble quarry used in ancient Greece for over 1,200 years.
Aba, China

Huanglong Travertine Pools

Intensely colorful calcite pools in Southern China.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City

The most famous location in China was home to whole dynasties worth of imperial rulers.
Honghe, China

Honghe Hani Rice Terraces

A complex and beautiful system of rice terraces covers a million acres over the mountains.
Chittorgarh, India

Hill Forts of Rajasthan

A complex of six forts embedded in the Rajasthan hills.


A hidden treasure of an abandoned city lies deep in the jungles of Campeche, Mexico.
Lalibela, Ethiopia

Ben Abeba

An otherworldly restaurant perched on the edge of a jagged cliff next to a medieval holy city.
Shirakawa-mura, Japan


This isolated Japanese mountain village untouched by time showcases unique and stunning traditional architecture.
Jbeil, Lebanon

Byblos Archaeological Site

A patchwork of ruins from various civilizations in one of the world's oldest continually inhabited cities.
Beiteddine, Lebanon

Beiteddine Palace

After this one-of-a-kind palace was built the architect's hands are said to have been cut off to keep it that way.
Stockholm, Sweden

Nobel Ice Cream

This legendary dessert was served to Nobel laureates for decades.
Al Haouz, Morocco

Tin Mal Mosque

The remains of a magnificent medieval fortress that was the capital of a vast empire.

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

This rare wildlife haven in Singapore feels like you're in the tropical rainforest.

Buddha Tooth Relic Temple & Museum

This $62 million dollar temple was erected to house one little dental fragment of religious history.

The Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum

Terrapins of all colors and shapes are quick to bring fascination (and possibly long life) at this museum.

Haw Par Villa

A Buddhist theme park brings you a Buddhist version of Hell.