drsupherpen's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Harrison, Nebraska

Toadstool Geologic Park

Other-worldly rock formations and ancient fossils abound in this unique stretch of Nebraska badlands.
Hauts Plateaux, Cameroon

Man & Woman Lakes

Spirits from these lakes are said to produce the local weather and odd phenomena as they bicker between themselves.
York, Maine

Wiggly Bridge

True to its name, this bouncy walkway may be the world’s smallest suspension bridge.
United States

Aquarius Reef Base

The world's only underwater laboratory where "aquanauts" study oceanic life.
Puthukkudiyiruppu, Sri Lanka

Sea Tigers Submarine Yard

Remains of military submarines built in secret jungle factories by the Tamil guerrillas' naval wing.
Brookings, Oregon

Nobuo Fujita's Sword

As a show of peace, a Japanese naval pilot gifted his 400-year-old Samurai sword to the Oregon town he bombed.
Pompeii, Italy

Plaster Citizens of Pompeii

The last moments of the ill-fated Pompeiians, frozen forever in plaster.
South Bristol, Maine

Thompson Ice House Harvesting Museum

For nearly 200 years the same family has harvested ice from a small pond in eastern Maine.
Mount Desert, Maine

Bubble Rock

A precariously balanced rock perches on the edge of a cliff created tens of thousands of years ago by glacial erosion.
Schattenhalb, Switzerland

The Reichenbach Falls

The alpine falls where Sherlock Holmes apparently met his demise can actually be visited.
Winchester, England

Winchester Round Table

A medieval replica of King Arthur's legendary table, the Round Table hanging in Winchester Castle was decorated by Henry VIII.
Alnwick, England

Alnwick Castle

This iconic 1,000-year-old medieval castle is a favorite of the film industry, most notably as the location for Hogwarts in Harry Potter.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
Zurich, Switzerland

Heureka Useless Machine

One of a series of no-purpose kinetic artworks by Swiss sculptor Jean Tinguely.
Bar Harbor, Maine

Dorr Museum of Natural History

A charming museum of natural history featuring dioramas and exhibits made entirely by college students.
Karlskrona Ö, Sweden

Whiskey on the Rocks

A plaque on this tiny Swedish island commemorates an unusual Cold War standoff of Soviet submarine intrigue.
Toberonochy, Scotland

'The Unsoiling of Rockall'

A plaque installed underwater marks the fall of a royal family from an imagined parallel universe—part of a globe-spanning art project.
Vilanova de Sau, Spain

Sant Romà de Sau

A Romanesque tower appears when water levels drop.
Port Royal, Jamaica

Sunken Pirate City at Port Royal

Nature took her revenge on the "Wickedest City in the World."
Uribante, Venezuela

The Drowned Church of Potosi

A town church once nearly submerged by the damming of a river is now hauntingly visible as the water recedes.
Chios, Greece

Chios Rocket War

Two churches shoot bottle rockets at each others' bell towers in an unusual Easter celebration.
Rome, Italy


Rome's ancient Etruscan rival, now a park full of ruins.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Labyrinth at Audubon Park

The stone labyrinth in this New Orleans city park was laid to symbolize healing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.
Burnet, Texas

Old Bluffton Underwater Ghost Town

This underwater old Texas hill town only resurfaces during harsh drought.