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Places visited in Grafton, West Virginia
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Perushtitza, Bulgaria

The Red Church

Ruins of an early Roman Christian church dating back to the 4th to 5th centuries.
Bucharest, Romania

Palace of the Parliament

This communist behemoth is the heaviest building in the world and a legacy of a brutal regime.
Bucharest, Romania

Relics of Zlătari Church

The preserved arm of a third-century sorcerer is believed to have the power to lift curses and spells.
Bucharest, Romania

Politehnica Metro Station

This metro station doubles as an unintentional paleontology museum.
Bucharest, Romania


A chemical factory damaged by two earthquakes and an explosion that became abandoned after bankruptcy.
Bucharest, Romania

Văcărești Natural Park

After sitting unused for decades, this abandoned communist infrastructure became a wildlife utopia.

Krushuna Falls

These cascading falls resonate throughout the Bulgarian forest.
Troyanski manastir, Bulgaria

Troyan Monastery

At this 16th-century monastery in rural Bulgaria, visitors can also spend the night.
Devetaki, Bulgaria

Devetashka Cave

A massive cave once a secret military base is now home to thousands of bats.
Hunedoara, Romania

Corvin Castle

This fairy-tale castle would make Dracula (who is said to have been imprisoned there) jealous.
Timișoara, Romania

Museum of the Communist Consumer

A collection of items from a way of life that no longer exists.
Beacon, New York

Ruins of the Mount Beacon Incline Railway

The remains of what was once the world's steepest passenger funicular.
Beacon, New York

Bannerman's Castle

Collapsing castle on the Hudson river was once the storage site of military surplus business.
Belchertown, Massachusetts

Belchertown State School for the Feeble-Minded

This decrepit abandoned building is made all the more eerie by its dark history.
Poughkeepsie, New York

Hudson River State Hospital

This mouldering abandoned mental hospital was once a center for progressive healing.
Carmel Hamlet, New York

New York's Chuang Yen Monastery

The largest Buddha statue in the Western Hemisphere is just 50 miles north of NYC.
Great Meadows, New Jersey

The Faery Cave

A small cave hidden deep within the Jenny Jump State Forest.
Hanover, New Hampshire

Panarchy Tomb Room

The strange, ritualistic-seeming 100+ year old basement of a New Hampshire undergrad society.
Grafton, Vermont

The Nature Museum Feejee Mermaid

Antique gaffe kept in the basement of a small Vermont natural history museum.
Solon, Maine

South Solon Meeting House

Floor-to-ceiling frescoes by local art students cover the interior of a nearly 200-year-old church.
Monson, Maine

Gulf Hagas

The “Grand Canyon of Maine” is a three-mile gorge full of striking geological features.
Stanmore, Australia

Olympia Milk Bar

This odd 1930s shop remains stranded in time and shrouded in mystery.
Sydney, Australia

Yerrabingin Farm

The world's first indigenous rooftop farm boasts 2,000 plants from more than 35 different native Australian species.
Sydney, Australia

Justice and Police Museum

This grim museum collects artifacts and evidence of some of the most sensational antipodean crimes.