pablotaberne's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Montevideo, Uruguay

Monumento la Carreta

An epic sculpture depicting a wagon and straining oxen.

Zooilógico del Futuro

The Sun, Moon, and stars peacefully coexist with animals, humans, and their tools at this surprising sculpture park.
Rome, Italy

Tempietto at San Pietro in Montorio

More sculpture than building, this architecturally significant temple was built on the spot of Saint Peter's crucifixion.
London, England

The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities, Fine Art & Natural History

This shop and gallery is a modern-day cabinet of curiosities, unassumingly positioned along an urban thoroughfare.
London, England

Twinings Tea Shop

A 300-year-old tea shop that brought tea to the English people, not to mention the Queen herself.
London, England

The Mail Rail

Hidden beneath the streets of London is a secret subway that only carried mail.
Alnwick, England

Alnwick Poison Garden

The sign at the garden gate reads: "These Plants Can Kill."
London, England

The Ruins of St. Dunstan-in-the-East

One of the few remaining casualties of the London Blitz, this destroyed church has become an enchanting public garden.
London, England

Leadenhall Market

This ornate Victorian marketplace was the setting for Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron in the Harry Potter films.
Coleford, England


The mysterious, fantastical woodland inspiration for "The Lord of the Rings."
London, England

Highgate Cemetery

London's creepiest cemetery was once the site of dueling magicians and mobs of stake-carrying vampire hunters.
Covehithe, England

Ruins of St Andrew's Covehithe

A 17th-century church is nestled within the walls of a 15th-century ruin.
Norwich, England

Balthild Seal Matrix

This unusual 7th-century Frankish seal offers more questions than answers about its past.
Norwich, England

Norwich Plantation Garden

A magnificent Victorian garden that brings the charm and style of old-time aristocracy to the 21st century public.
Barcelona, Spain

Calder Mercury Fountain

A beautiful but toxic fountain of mercury.
Barcelona, Spain

Montjuïc Cemetery

This cemetery features modernist statues as strange as its name.
Barcelona, Spain

Bunkers of Carmel

These secluded and abandoned anti-aircraft defenses have become one the most scenic viewpoints in Barcelona.
Zugarramurdi, Spain

Museo de las Brujas (Witches Museum)

A museum dedicated to the Spanish occult in a town that was terrorized by the Inquisition.
Barcelona, Spain

Labyrinth Park of Horta

This semi-secret storybook hedge maze is also the oldest garden in the city.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Batlló

One of Antoni Gaudí's most classic buildings is well-known for its "dragon-back" design.
Barcelona, Spain

Sagrada Família

Construction of Barcelona's iconic (but controversial) church is expected to be completed in 2026—a century after the death of its architect.
Cândido Godói, Brazil

Cândido Godói

The mystery of Brazil's "Land of Twins" has led to wild theories such as Nazi genetic experiments.
São Paulo, Brazil

Vila Maria Zélia

The first model village in Brazil, built in 1917 to house workers at the jute sack factory.
Ouro Preto, Brazil

Museu do Aleijadinho

A display of works by one of the world masters sacred art, an 18th-century Brazilian sculptor nicknamed "the little cripple."