Schiffty5's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Albuquerque, New Mexico

The De Anza Motor Lodge

A burnt-out motel with priceless Native American artwork in the basement, redeveloped into apartments.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

The official atomic museum of the United States explores the explosive and productive history of a much maligned energy source.
Santa Fe, New Mexico

109 East Palace

This innocuous New Mexico storefront was once the secret jump-off spot for Manhattan Project scientists.
Brooklyn, New York

Turk's Inn

A Wisconsin kitsch palace from the 1930s lives its second life in 21st-century Brooklyn.
Podgarić, Croatia

Podgaric Monument

This stunning, out-of-the-way Croatian monument commemorates a community's uprising against occupying fascist forces.
Moscow, Russia

Lenin Museum

One of the last examples of Soviet architectural propaganda has a few technological tricks up its sleeve.
New York, New York

Venetian Room

This lavish room at NYC's French Embassy is a rare relic from the end of the Gilded Age.
Brooklyn, New York


An arcade packed with a rotating collection of unique independent video games.
Queens, New York

Self-Taught Genius Gallery

An exhibition space dedicated to American outsider art created between the 18th and 21st centuries.
Glasgow, Scotland

Glasgow City Chambers' Staircase

The ornate structure is part of a building boasting more marble than the Vatican.
Vatican City

La Resurrezione

If you want to talk to the Pope you will have to stare down this surreal vision of Jesus rising from a nuclear hell.
Consett, England

'Terris Novalis'

These giant sculptures are supported by a bizarre menagerie of feet.
Elberta, Alabama

Barber Marina

Come for the boats, stay to explore the intriguing assortment of art.
Denver, Colorado

American Museum of Western Art

The huge collection of paintings of the American West is one of Denver's best-kept secrets.
Denver, Colorado

History Colorado Center

This museum offers an actual time machine back through Colorado's past.
Denver, Colorado

Forney Transportation Museum

Explore some of the most unique vehicles in history along with a cast of unsettling mannequins.
Denver, Colorado

Hidden Elves at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science

A small horde of mythical creatures lurk almost imperceptibly within the museum's wildlife dioramas.
Denver, Colorado

Blue Mustang

The Denver airport is guarded by a 32-foot-tall sculpture of a demonic horse.
Denver, Colorado

International Church of Cannabis

A technicolor place of worship for Elevationists.
Denver, Colorado

Fifty-Two 80's

This modern antique shop is a museum for 1980's Saturday morning cartoon culture.
Ohiopyle, Pennsylvania

Kentuck Knob

The house that Frank Lloyd Wright "(shook) out of his sleeve at will" at the age of 86.
Cody, Wyoming

Smith Mansion

One man's ambition created this psychedelic log home.
Rock, West Virginia

Lake Shawnee Amusement Park

This abandoned amusement park was built on a site with a dark history.
Royse City, Texas

Royse City Futuro House

This crumbling UFO is one of only a few remaining "moveable ski chalets" of its kind.