Vivisect's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cueva de los Tayos

This cave system allegedly holds the "metallic library" of a lost ancient civilization.
Orlando, Florida

Discovery Island

Disney's abandoned animal island is now an overgrown ruin that was almost the coolest attraction ever.
Orlando, Florida

Skeletons: Museum of Osteology

Hundreds of skulls and bones at the largest skeleton museum in the country.
Orlando, Florida

Carmine Oddities Boutique

Human skulls and a stuffed goat made into a rocking chair can be found at this strange little store.
Orlando, Florida

Jack Kerouac House

The humble home where the famous beat author lived briefly and wrote one of his most famous works.
Colares, Portugal

Convent of the Capuchos

The verdant mossy ruins of a Franciscan monastery lie in the remote Sintra hills awaiting exploration.
Spring Green, Wisconsin

House on the Rock

A bizarre house filled with an astounding array of collections.
Lisbon, Portugal

Calouste Gulbenkian Museum

One man's remarkable private collection of art from around the world.
Lisbon, Portugal

Pavilhão Chinês

Ring the bell to enter a bar that looks equal parts museum and old curiosity shop.
Lisbon, Portugal

Caza das Vellas Loreto

This charming candle shop has been in business since 1789.
Monsanto, Portugal

Necropolis of São Miguel

A windswept necropolis carved into the rocks overlooks the "most Portuguese town in Portugal."
Funchal, Portugal

Madeira Botanical Garden

A lush oasis full of vibrant plants and striking geometric displays.
Colares, Portugal

Praia da Ursa

In Portugal, a secluded stretch of untouched natural beauty hides at the bottom of a steep hill.
Pinhal Novo, Portugal

Museum of Mechanical Music

This architectural beauty is the home to a personal collection of more than 600 examples of mechanical musical instruments.
Santa Maria, Portugal

Poço da Pedreira

Rainwater transformed this old quarry into a peaceful pond you won't find in most tourist books.
Funchal, Portugal

Principality of Pontinha

A micronation on an islet along the coast of a Portuguese island.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Simão

One of the smallest bookstores on the planet.
Mafra, Portugal

Mafra Palace Library

At night, bats patrol this magnificent 18th-century space in search of book-eating pests.
Ponta do Pargo, Portugal

Ponta do Pargo Lighthouse

Portugal’s highest lighthouse has one of the most impressive focal planes in the world.
Porto, Portugal

Carmo and Carmelitas Churches

A hidden three-foot-wide house separates these two regal churches.
Esperança, Portugal

The World’s Shortest International Bridge

You can cross from one country to another in a single hop on this little bridge.
Lisbon, Portugal

Hospital de Bonecas

Catering to broken dolls for almost 200 years, this repair shop is now a charnel house of doll parts.
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Saint Maria Adelaide

An honorary saint of the people, Maria Adelaide became an incorrupt corpse, the clothes intact, exhaling “a strong scent of roses.”
Lisbon, Portugal

National Coach Museum

An exquisite collection of fairytale conveyances that puts most car museums to shame.