Wesleywarden's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ablain-Saint-Nazaire, France

Ruined Church of Ablain-Saint-Nazaire

The 16th-century church was kept in its ruined state as a reminder of the casualties of World War I.
Unyun pruwinsya, Peru

Cotahuasi Canyon

With nearly double the depth of the Grand Canyon, this Peruvian canyon is one of the deepest in the world.

Isla de la Plata

This small uninhabited island offers Galapagos-like biodiversity.
Yaiza, Spain

Green Lagoon

This beautifully verdant lagoon is tucked below a massive volcano in a crater atop a black pebble beach.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Cambie Climbing Tree

Locals transformed this Canadian evergreen into a secret hangout with spectacular views of Vancouver's skyline.
Miyazu-shi, Japan


Turn around and stick your head between your legs for the best view of this tree-covered sandbar.
Mineral Wells, Texas

Mineral Wells Fossil Park

This former Texas landfill is flush with 300 million-year-old fossils, all fit for the taking.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Wanamaker Grand Court Organ

The sounds of the world's largest fully functioning pipe organ dazzle shoppers at a Philadelphia Macy's.
Greensboro, North Carolina

Site of the Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit-in

This North Carolina store preserves a historic moment in America's movement for racial equality.
Ogdensburg, New Jersey

Fluorescent Rocks of Sterling Hill Mine

Hundreds of glow-in-the-dark objects light up a museum in a historic zinc mine.
Henrieville, Utah

Kodachrome Basin Spires

This quiet park's strange sedimentary spires were named after Kodak's color film.
Kalsoy, Faroe Islands

Kallur Lighthouse

This isolated structure beckons adventurers with sublime views of the Faroe Islands.
Milford Sound, New Zealand

Milford Sound

Dolphins, ancient clams and hundreds of waterfalls make this one of the world's top tourist destinations.
New York, New York

The Real Winnie the Pooh & Pals

The original toys that inspired the beloved children's stories are on display at the New York Public Library.
Sydney, Australia

Wendy's Secret Garden

Built over an abandoned train yard, this hidden gem is full of winding paths and offers gorgeous views of Sydney Harbour.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Musical Highway

If drivers cross the rumble strip on this stretch of Route 66 at just the right speed it plays "America the Beautiful."
Sumburgh, Scotland


This picturesque archeological site looks like it was pulled straight from a fantasy novel.
Shelburne, Vermont

Shelburne Farms

A massive sustainable farm designed by the mastermind behind Central Park.
Richfield, Utah

Pando, the Trembling Giant

One of the world's oldest and most massive living organisms is a grove of quaking aspens.
Shetland Islands, Scotland

Broch of Mousa

A remarkably well preserved tower dating all the way back to the Iron Age.
East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Padar Island

Once home to Komodo dragons, this island dreamscape has a rare combination of white, pink, and black sand beaches.
Tatev, Armenia

Gavazan Column at Tatev Monastery

Centuries before the modern seismograph, Armenian monks measured quakes with this tilting pillar.
Clinton, Tennessee

Clinton 12 Statue at Green McAdoo Cultural Center

A bronze sculpture honors the 12 black students who attended the first integrated public high school in the segregated South.
Fackler, Alabama

Neversink Pit

This natural wonder drops 16 stories straight down through rare flora and streaming waterfalls.