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Arles, France

Abbaye de Montmajour

Home to fantastic views and ancient graves.
Toulon-sur-Arroux, France

Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge)

A bridge that dates back to the 12th century is said to have made the devil very angry.
Bélesta, France

Fontaine Intermittente de Fontestorbes

Every half hour, the flow of this unusual spring cycles between a rush of water and barely a trickle.
Cergy, France

'Axe Majeur' ('Major Axis')

This massive sculptural work outside of Paris was four decades in the making—and it's still not quite complete.
Annecy, France

Palais de l’Île

A fortified palace in the shape of a ship on the Thiou river.
Auray, France

Port of Saint-Goustan

A quaint medieval harbour where Benjamin Franklin landed in 1776.
Beaucaire, France

Troglodyte Monastery of Saint Roman

This fascinating abbey is considered the oldest monastery in the region.
Saint-Germain-des-Vaux, France

Port Racine

The smallest port in France is named after the pirate who created it.
Givenchy-en-Gohelle, France

Canadian National Vimy Memorial

A monument to the thousands of Canadian soldiers who died capturing the French ridge during World War I.
Hambye, France

Hambye Abbey

This 12th century, partially destroyed, abbey has had several owners and was seized during the French Revolution.
Ansignan, France

Pont-Aqueduc d'Ansignan

A functioning Roman-era aqueduct and bridge in rural southwest France.
Yviers, France

La Bohème

The bizarre home and sculpture garden of an eccentric artist.
Fréjus, France

Barrage de Malpasset (Malpasset Dam)

The ruins stand as a somber reminder of France’s worst civil catastrophe of the 20th century.
Gouville-sur-Mer, France

Gouville-sur-Mer Beach Huts

Rows of multicolored bathing huts paint the sand dunes with pops of color.
Tours, France

Musee du Compagnonnage

This museum preserves over-the-top masterpieces that once qualified artisans for membership into a medieval guild.
Salses-le-Château, France

Château de Salses

This castle-fortress is a living example of the transition from medieval defenses to modern fortifications.
Gatteville-le-Phare, France

Phare de Gatteville

A beautiful lighthouse with as many steps as days in the year, as many windows as weeks, and as many levels as months.
Bon-Encontre, France

Club 47

An abandoned nightclub has become a vibrant work of art.
Villerouge-Termenès, France

Cathar Castles

The site of the first medieval crusade that pitted Christians against Christians.
Celles, France


Half a century after it was abandoned, this ghost town is coming back to life.
Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Le Corbusier's Studio-Apartment

Experience architect Le Corbusier's modernist design for living in the home he designed for himself.
Angoulême, France

Galarie D'Art Park

A tiny, forgotten park of surrealist sculptures in Angouleme.
Chevreuse, France

Promenade des Petits Ponts

A total of 22 tiny bridges cross this canal of the Yvette River, forming a unique trail.
Vaïssac, France


This miniature Paris, built out of trash, is one man's two decade labor of love.