cyberdisco's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Worcestershire, England

Harvington Hall

Built by the patron saint of illusionists this Elizabethan manor house is riddled with secret cubbies for hiding priests.
Rancho Cucamonga, California

Sam Maloof House

A living museum dedicated to the legendary woodworker and his soulful furniture.
Luxor, Egypt

Colossi of Memnon

These Egyptian statues have survived for 3,400 years and were an acoustic wonder of the ancient world.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo

A museum and shop on Bourbon Street located in the former home of the second Voodoo Queen of New Orleans.
Toronto, Ontario

Casa Loma

A 98-room castle in the middle of Toronto that bankrupted a 19th century electricity multimillionaire.
Toronto, Ontario

Bata Shoe Museum

A collection of more than 12,000 shoes, displayed in a building shaped like a shoebox.
Bangkok, Thailand


Time-frozen department store of dangerous and dusty relics.
Ogdensburg, New Jersey

Fluorescent Rocks of Sterling Hill Mine

Hundreds of glow-in-the-dark objects light up a museum in a historic zinc mine.
Saint-Ouen, France

Tombées du Camion

Stroll through retro Paris while shopping for old postcards and discarded doll heads.
Paris, France

Montmartre Cemetery

A horde of stray cats rule in this secluded Parisian cemetery under a bridge.
Paris, France

Museum of Eroticism

Inside a former cabaret, seven floors of erotic art.
Naples, Italy

MUSA Anatomy Museum

This Neapolitan exhibition hall grants weird and wonderful insight into the intricacies of human biology.
Naples, Italy

Gabinetto Segreto

The once forbidden "secret cabinet" of erotic art from excavations of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Mosta, Malta

Ta’ Bistra Catacombs

These lesser-known Maltese catacombs date back over 1,700 years.
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

Wilkes-Barre Abandoned Train Station

A train station that was abandoned by the coal industry and was later converted into a cocktail bar.
Tramonti di sotto, Italy

Pàlcoda Ghost Town

This overgrown mountain village has been abandoned for nearly a century.
Wallace, Idaho

Burke Ghost Town

A mining town, now abandoned, was built in a canyon so narrow that the railroad ran right through the hotel lobby.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned City of Pripyat

The ghost town left by the worst nuclear disaster of all time is being taken over by nature and urban explorers.
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Chichen Itza Chirp

Clap your hands at the base of the pyramid, and the song of a sacred Mayan bird will echo through the air.
East Timor

Marobo Hot Springs

No one is quite sure of the origins of these idyllic natural hot springs at an abandoned mountain resort.
Moscow, Russia

Old English Yard

The "Mystery and Company of Merchant Adventurers" is an Elizabethan-era hangout in Moscow.
Moscow, Russia

House With Animals

Its front wall is striped with a menagerie of fantastic beasts and magnificent monsters.
Istanbul, Turkey

Vlora Hanı

An Art Nouveau gem hides beneath the layers of city grime obscuring this once-magnificent building.
Istanbul, Turkey

Ottoman Bird Palaces

The ornate miniature mansions were built for Istanbul's feathered residents.