dudekgabrielle's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bowmore, Scotland

Bowmore Round Church

This remote Scottish island has the only round church in the nation.
Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland

Chapel Finian

Named after a 6th-century saint, who was also a scholar.
Dundee, Scotland

'Ring O' Roses'

Each section of this public work of art represents one of the city's guilds.
Rosehearty, Scotland

Pitsligo Castle

The ruins of a 15th-century tower house.
Blantyre, Scotland

David Livingstone Statue

The only statue ever crafted by award-winning animator Ray Harryhausen.
Broxburn, Scotland

Kirkhill Astronomical Pillar

In the 18th century, the Earl of Buchan mapped the universe on this stone pillar.
Invermoriston, Scotland

St. Columba's Well

It's believed this well was once plagued with evil spirits until St. Columba purified the water.
Crosshouse, Scotland

Laigh Milton Viaduct

This abandoned bridge over the River Irvine may be the oldest surviving railway viaduct in the world.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Newcraighall Monuments

Mining, a local filmmaker, and a philanthropist doctor all commemorated within a small space in suburban Edinburgh
Strichen, Scotland

Strichen House

The ruinous former neo-classical mansion was built for Thomas Fraser of Strichen.
Saint Abbs, Scotland

East Coast Fishing Disaster Memorial

One of four sister bronze sculptures dedicated to the widows and orphans of an 1881 tragedy.
Mochrum, Scotland

Drumtroddan Standing Stones

These stones date back to the 3rd or 2nd millennium B.C.
Hume, Scotland

Hume Castle

From fortification to folly, this hilltop structure has undergone many changes in the last 800 years.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dewar Monument

A controversial cenotaph dedicated to a local physician with an unscrupulous past.
Strichen, Scotland

Strichen Stone Circle

This ancient monument has been dissembled and put back together at least twice.
Lochwinnoch, Scotland

Castle Semple Collegiate Church

The ruins of a small church belonging to a powerful Scottish family still hold the remains of its patriarch.
Edinburgh, Scotland

War Poets' Collection

This exhibit showcases the literary work of soldiers who suffered "shell shock" during World War I.
Wallyford, Scotland

Wallyford 'Miner's Stone'

This carved memorial is dedicated to the miners who died working in the town's collieries.
Stirling, Scotland

Wolf Craig

A distinctive building that incorporates a mythical beast into its architecture.
Dunbar, Scotland

Dunbar Outdoor Pool Remains

This Scottish bay still reveals evidence of its days as a seaside swimming pool.
Canonbie, Scotland

Gilnockie Tower

This 16th-century tower house has a little hidden secret and a connection to an Apollo astronaut.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mason's Memorial Pillars

A rare remnant of an exposition that took place nearby at the end of the 19th-century.
Creetown, Scotland

Glenquicken Stone Circle

A gap marks the spot where a now-missing stone once completed the circular arrangement at this Neolithic site.
Dunfermline, Scotland

Reliquary of St. Margaret of Scotland

The remains of "the Pearl of Scotland" can be found inside this church.