linguini's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Cornwall, England

The Eden Project

The largest greenhouse in the world is home to over one million types of plants.

Tiputini Biodiversity Station

This research hub in the Amazon Rainforest is perched amid one of the world's most biologically diverse landscapes.
Boca do Acre, Brazil

Boca do Acre

Hub for hallucinogenic Amazon religion.
Tambopata, Peru

Tambopata Research Center

One of the most remote lodges in the Amazon offers rare wildlife encounters and undisturbed views of the Peruvian rainforest.
Pucallpa, Peru

Usko Ayar

Art school in the Amazon: Drugs, nature and sustainable agriculture.
Aveiro, Brazil


Henry Ford's failed rubber plantation in the middle of the Amazon rain forest.
Manaus, Brazil

Teatro Amazonas in Manaus

A beautiful opera house in the heart of Amazonia has recently restarted performances after a 90-year hiatus.
Puerto Misahuallí, Ecuador

Sinchi Warmi Amazon Lodge

An exotic jungle hideaway run entirely by indigenous Kichwa women.
Puerto Inca, Peru

The Boiling River of the Amazon

This scalding hot river was thought to be a myth until one geoscientist made it his quest to study the mystical waters.
Berlin, Maryland

Assateague Island

The land is home to swimming ponies and a legendary 18th-century treasure.
Wuxi Shi, China

Hailan Horse Culture Museum

A palatial horse museum outside Shanghai is home to the most pampered horses in the world.
Corolla, North Carolina

Corolla Wild Horses

One of the best places to see feral Colonial Spanish Mustangs in the United States.
Mouth of Wilson, Virginia

Mount Rogers

The highest point in Virginia can only be reached by passing through ponies and flowers.
Mesa, Arizona

Salt River Wild Horses

These free-roaming horses were once destined to disappear from the land.

Khustain Nuruu National Park

The grassy landscape is home to the world's last truly wild horses.
Gundisar, India

Marwari Horses

Old and brave breed of warhorses known for their elegant, curved ears.
Sam Roi Yot, Thailand

Phraya Nakhon Cave

At the right time of day, sunlight floods through the roof of this cave and illuminates the small pavilion hidden within.
Muang Kham, Laos

Tham Piew Cave

A tangible and sobering reminder of an atrocity that took place during a secret war.
Barú, Colombia

Pablo Escobar's Abandoned Secret Island Mansion

Hidden amid the tropical forest in the Caribbean Sea are the decaying ruins of the Cocaine King's luxurious island party home.
Ocaña, Colombia

Column of the Freedom of the Slaves

Colombia’s only monument erected to mark the end of slavery in the former Republic of New Granada.
Medellín, Colombia

Parque Arvi

Located outside Medellín, this Colombian park focuses on conservation and sustainability.
Leticia, Colombia

Parque Santander

This small city park is best known for the nightly convergence of thousands of shrieking parakeets.
Palmira, Colombia

Sugarcane Museum - Hacienda Piedechinche Museo de la Caña de Azucar

A museum showcasing the history of sugarcane with a rich history.
Medellín, Colombia

Casa Museo Pablo Escobar

This unofficial museum details the rise and fall of Colombia's most notorious narcotrafficker, Pablo Escobar.