luisafernanda1111's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Lima, Peru

Huaca Pucllana

This stone complex marks the urban center of a lost civilization.
Lima, Peru


The remains of what was the most important religious complex in coastal Peru for over a millennium.
Lima, Peru

Mercado de Brujas

A market for witches is hidden within a train station.
Lima, Peru

Convento de San Francisco Ossuary

The mortal remains of an estimated 70,000 people lie in the basement of a monastery in Lima, Peru.
Nor Yungas, Bolivia

North Yungas Road

Death road of Bolivia.
Copacabana, Bolivia

Iñaq Uyu (House of the Virgins of the Sun)

An ancient Incan convent on Lake Titicaca's Island of the Moon.
Comunidad Challapampa, Bolivia

Chincana Ruins

Mysterious Incan ruins on a tiny island in Lake Titicaca.
Copacabana, Bolivia

Horca del Inca

Astronomical observatory above Lake Titicaca.

Aramu Muru

An abandoned Incan construction project left behind a mysterious "doorway."
Arequipa, Peru

Monasterio de Santa Catalina

This 16th-century monastery was founded to cloister the daughters of wealthy local families.
Ica, Peru


An unexpected desert oasis in South America.
Carbon County, Utah

Nine Mile Canyon

Here, at the "world's longest art gallery," you'll find forty miles of ancient petroglyphs and pictographs.
Batumi, Georgia

Ali and Nino

A literally moving statue of stacked metal giants just continually trying (and failing) to find love.
Rome, Italy

Hermitage of Saint Sylvester

This hermitage celebrates the legend of Emperor Constantine's healing from leprosy.
Oaxaca, Mexico

Post Mortem Chapel

The ruins of an abandoned church mingle with the graves at Oaxaca’s General Cemetery.
San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Mexico

Column of Death

A mysterious pillar in an ancient burial chamber is said to predict how long you have to live.
San Pablo Villa de Mitla, Mexico

Hierve El Agua

This beautifully deceptive waterfall is something far different from what it appears to be.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cafebrería El Péndulo

Part bookstore, part café, and part forest.
Mexico City, Mexico

Biblioteca Vasconcelos

A jaw-dropping "megalibrary" that turns book-browsing into a geometric adventure.
Rome, Italy

Torre Argentina (Roman Cat Sanctuary)

Hundreds of lucky felines haunt the ruins where Caesar was murdered.
Rome, Italy

Cloaca Maxima

The "Greatest Sewer" of ancient Rome is one of the oldest sewer systems in the world, and is still in use.
Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia

Orava Castle

The 700-year-old fortress was the site of Count Orlok's castle in "Nosferatu."
Zadar, Croatia

Pillar of Shame

Now harmless, this looming post struck fear into the heart of medieval troublemakers.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Biblioteca Nacional do Brasil

The largest library in Latin America owes its existence to an Old World earthquake and a Napoleonic invasion.