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Bruges, Belgium

Secret Garden of Bruges

You would never come across this tiny green oasis if you didn't know it existed.
Brussels, Belgium

Cemetery Dieweg

Nature is slowly overtaking this disused cemetery on the outskirts of Brussels.
Kemzeke, Belgium

Verbeke Foundation

A collection of weird and wonderful art fills a former houseplant nursery.
Ostend, Belgium

James Ensor House

The former home of a trailblazing surrealist is still filled with haunting dolls and grim paintings.
Antwerp, Belgium

Plantin-Moretus Museum of Printing

Most prolific publishing house in the 1600s open to the public.
Liège, Belgium

Collégiale Sainte-Croix de Liège

A once-magnificent collegiate church is falling into ruin.
Bruges, Belgium

Smedenpoort Skull

The bronzed skull of a beheaded traitor was affixed to the city gate in the 17th century.
Brussels, Belgium

Laeken Cemetery Crypt

This recently restored crypt was once plagued by liquefying coffins and exploding caskets.
Neerpelt, Belgium

Klankenbos Sound Forest

Artwork tucked within the trees greets visitors with surreal sonic experiences.
Liège, Belgium

The Lucifer of Liège

A marble Lucifer hides behind the pulpit of this Gothic cathedral.
Brussels, Belgium

Musée de la Médecine

Medical history with an amazing, if frighting, collection of wax diseases on display.
Bassenge, Belgium

Tower of Eben-Ezer

A Belgian self-built tower inspired by the Bible and ancient civilizations.
Liège, Belgium

Fort de la Chartreuse

This abandoned Belgian fortress is purposefully being left to nature.
Remouchamps, Belgium

Caves of Remouchamps

Hiding the longest subterranean river known in the world.
Genappe, Belgium

Abbaye de Villers

A magical and peaceful ruined Cistercian abbey in what is now southern Belgium.
Beveren, Belgium

The Doomed City of Doel

This ghost town in Belgium will lose its street art when it ceases to exist.
Bruges, Belgium

The Lucifernum

This former Masonic lodge has been transformed into part museum, part bar, all awesome.
Bruges, Belgium

The Procession of the Holy Blood

This gruesome biblical parade celebrates the one day a year that a bit of Jesus' blood turns to liquid.
Bruges, Belgium

Torture Museum Bruges

Inside this former medieval prison is a collection of objects designed to inflict unbelievable pain and suffering on the human body and mind.
Brussels, Belgium

Comic Strip Route

This collection of over 50 murals celebrates Brussels' rich history as the self-proclaimed home of the "comic strip."
Brussels, Belgium

Le Cercueil (The Coffin)

The Devil’s own choice when he needs a drink in Brussels.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Lavish royal estate punctuated with heated greenhouses.
Halle, Belgium

The Blue Forest

Each spring, a dreamlike carpet of bluebells overtakes the forest floor.
Ghent, Belgium


This fairytale castle was built as a show of power but was nearly torn down thanks to its history of torture.