silenc's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Helsingborg, Sweden

Museum of Failure

From Coke II to Google Glass, this exhibit features some of the most spectacular commercial flops.
Uppsala, Sweden

Pelle Svanslös Crosswalk

Uppsala's adorable feline sign celebrates a popular children's book set in the Swedish city.
Linköping, Sweden

Winter Lights

For a couple of months each year this Swedish city turns into a festive neon phantasmagoria.
Stockholm, Sweden

Love Locks of Västerbron

A former suicide bridge is now accumulating symbols of love instead of a body count.
Ragunda, Sweden

Borgvattnet Vicarage

Said to be one of Sweden's most haunted places, this vicarage once even attracted a ghost-busting priest.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholms Spelmuseum

It's always game time at Stockholm's only museum devoted solely to video games.
Västerås, Sweden

Utter Inn

A floating underwater hotel, created by a Swedish artist.
Borgholm, Sweden

Trollskogen (The Troll Forest)

Crooked windswept pines give this old forest an enchanted and magical look.
Kiruna, Sweden


The world's first ice hotel is still one of the most elaborate and beautiful.
Stockholm, Sweden

Stadsbiblioteket (Stockholm Public Library)

The library's graceful rotunda is like a bibliophile's temple.
Boden N, Sweden


A series of modernist treehouse hotel rooms grace the outskirts of an Arctic forest.
Tønsvik, Norway

Tromsø Arctic Reindeer Experience

At this Arctic outpost, get to know members of the indigenous Sámi community and meet their herds.
Oslo, Norway


Oslo's historic toboggan run has been letting thrill seekers slide from train stop to train stop for over a century.
Alta, Norway

Sorrisniva Igloo Hotel

The world's northernmost ice hotel.
Lindesnes, Norway


The world's largest underwater restaurant is submerged off the southern tip of Norway.
Nordkapp, Norway

North Cape

At the very tippity-top of Europe is a cliff from which you can view the midnight sun.
Rjukan, Norway

Giant Sun Mirrors of Rjukan

For six months of the year, three giant mirrors direct a pool of sunshine onto this otherwise occluded town.
Kvam, Norway

Steinsdalsfossen Waterfall

Walk behind a 50-meter-high waterfall.
Luster, Norway

Nigardsbreen Ice Cave

A stunning silver lining to global warming's gloomy cloud.
Joensuu, Finland

Heavy Metal Knitting World Championships

One of the world's most unusual events combines headbanging and needlework.
Naantali, Finland

The Moomin House

A replica of the home of a famous fictional troll family.
Rovaniemi, Finland

Rovaniemi's Arctic Circle Border

If you visit Santa's village, you can get your passport stamped to show you crossed into the Arctic Circle.
Rovaniemi, Finland

Santa Claus' Main Post Office

Roughly 17 million letters to Santa have found their way to this Arctic Circle post office.
Inari, Finland

Siida Museum

A beautiful Arctic museum and nature center preserves the culture of the Sámi people.