PitaPan141213's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rio Grande, Brazil

Praia do Cassino

The longest sea beach in the world can be found on the southern coast of Brazil.
Salvador, Brazil

Elevador Lacerda

This public elevator links the lower city to the upper city of Salvador.
Quixeramobim, Brazil

Pyramids of the Order of the Guardians of the Pharaohs

Modern pyramids built to channel positive energy have also fomented local tales of animal sacrifice.
Brasília, Brazil

Árvore dos Desejos (Wish Tree)

Brasilia's oldest newsstand is sheltered by a wish-granting tunnel-tree.
Manaus, Brazil


The only restaurant serving indigenous foods from the Amazon.
Paraty, Brazil

Masonic Symbols of Paraty

This Brazilian town built by Freemasons is full of colonial Masonic architecture and symbolic imagery.
São Paulo, Brazil

Museum of Japanese Immigration in Brazil

Its collection details the experiences of the largest Japanese community outside Japan.
Manaus, Brazil

Museu do Homem do Norte (Northern Man Museum)

This anthropological museum offers a glimpse into the lives of the Indigenous peoples of the Amazon River Basin.
Laranjal do Jari, Brazil

The Nazi Graveyard of Brazil

This gravesite in the Amazon Rainforest was left behind by a failed Third Reich expedition.
Brasília, Brazil

Cathedral of Brasília

A stunning Catholic cathedral built by a curve-loving communist in Brazil’s newly created capital.
São Paulo, Brazil

Casa de Pedra

The eccentric home of Estevão Silva da Conceição, known as the "Brazilian Gaudí."
Recife, Brazil

Francisco Brennand's Ceramic Workshop

The massive gardens and office of a Brazilian sculptor.
Iporanga, Brazil

Gruta Casa de Pedra

At 705 feet high, Brazil's "House of Stone" is the largest cave mouth in the world.

Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara

Site full of incredible prehistoric paintings and archeological findings.
Santo André, Brazil

Paranapiacaba Train Station

The remains of a British railway rusting in the jungle mist of a Brazilian mountainside.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Cemitério São João Batista

Try not to get lost in this picturesque Brazilian labyrinth of the dead.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Rio de Janeiro Cathedral

This massive Brazilian church is built like an angular, technicolor pyramid left by Mayans from the future.
São Paulo, Brazil

Crypt of the São Paulo Cathedral

The crypts are so large they're basically their own underground church.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Largo do Boticário

Crumbling remnant of Rio's colonial past tucked behind Corcovado mountain in the neighborhood of Cosme Velho.
Canoa, Ecuador

Rio Muchacho Organic Farm

If you've ever wondered at which cycle of the moon you’re supposed to spread manure produced by your guinea pigs, this is the place for you.
Agua Blanca, Ecuador

Agua Blanca Community

The remains of an ancient settlement in one of the oldest archeological sites in South America.
Vilcabamba, Ecuador


In this pristine Ecuadorian hippie town, residents remain active well into their eighties and nineties.

Tiputini Biodiversity Station

This research hub in the Amazon Rainforest is perched amid one of the world's most biologically diverse landscapes.
Puerto Misahuallí, Ecuador

Sinchi Warmi Amazon Lodge

An exotic jungle hideaway run entirely by indigenous Kichwa women.